Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Drop Dead Diva

I have seen a few TV series and this is one of the best. From the amazing acting to the funny lines which creates a priceless show. This series can be compared to a book, but instead of saying "you can never put it down" you would say "you can never stop watching". Its a shame that there were only 9 episode in the first season! But at least it left me wondering what is going to happen next!

If i was alive in a different persons body, I would do my best to leave hints. This will allow people to clue in that I'm not really that person but someone else. I know she's doing that but I would really make sure they know.

This show for me is 2 thumbs up...

2 Words "NO and WAY"

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010



But i guess no one reads the underline! Biggest Oil spill in History! Massive lose of wild life! and they still don't have it under control. To me those are terms of cancellation and reconsideration.

I guess Gordan Campbell is right its not the same as being under water! But what happens if the plant blows up? what happens if a forest fire threatens the live natural gas plant? it would probably starts one of Canada's worst forest fire. Then what will BP do for BC? My prediction is the same on whats happening in the golf.. a big fat nothing!

"Money makes everything better" as a business man would say!

I think Gordan Campbell needs to let the people choose yes to the plant or no. Thoughts should be put in what will happen to the beautiful land Canada has?

But to me this smells trouble and stupidity. HST and now BP... It's almost like the fast cat Ferries but at least they didn't damage our land!

I voted Liberals, but if i realized Gordan Campbell was this stupid i think i would voted Green Party.

check out the Puerto Rico Gas Plant the exploded! imagin that in BC...

Wake up CAMPBELL or has the MONEY in your pocket got to you!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


All i can say is people get a life!

15 things you can do that's really boring and one of them is being excited about excel.

I spent the day on excel and came across a site titles

Excel can be Exciting – 15 fun things you can do with your spreadsheet in less than 5 seconds

You know what i say to that PUKE! anyways I can think 15 things i would much rather be doing. 1 is sleeping, 2 is sex, 3 is hum i think that sums it all.

This is a winner

5. Add rounded border to your charts, make them look smooth

that's huge rounded borders so much fun!! OMG smooth even better!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Some people hate her
some people think she's fucked

But man is she creative, inspirational, and smart!

Her music videos and words are the best I've heard. Yes they are weird but so cool and futuristic. So much better then thriller and so much better then big ass, pimps and ho's, and talking about becoming a billionaire.

I think GAGA is going to be the new Michael Jackson but with a fucked up twist and a different message about world peace.

"Peace. it does not mean to be in a place where there is no trouble, noise, or hard work. it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart."
Lady Gaga


Monday, June 7, 2010


Its a shame he is dead because he had such a creative mind! But face it, he was messed up! Yet again most of the memorable creative people we're special in their own way! From sleeping with little children to cutting their ear off.

I'm wondering who is the next Michael Jackson? will there ever be a similar person?

Will there be another person who's music will be the back bone in trying to bring peace?

I guess with time we will see! but i don't think this will happen in my life time.


Saturday, June 5, 2010


"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."